The ex-deputy dismissed his defense counsel and assured that he was condemned
without evidence.
The Judge of the Federal Court of the District of Columbia, Michael M. Mihm, for
the second time posponed the reading of the sentence against ex- Salvadoran
deputy William Eliú Martinez, found guilty in June last of drug trafficking in
the United States.
William Martinez would have objected the lack of evidences in his against and
asked for the resignation of their lawyer who became effective at the end of the
session. The public defender Shawn Moore based his defense on the lack of
evidences, but everything indicates that it did not fill the expectations of his
"What I say is that Moore had felt culpable because he knows that there is no
evidence, for that reason has to have resigned. He had the case, but the truth
is that from the beginning it has not worked, it has not done anything,
absolutely nothing", assured Noemí González, older sister of the ex- deputy.
The explanation of González agrees with the one of Rick Shaddock, of the
nonprofit Truth & Justice Foundation. "I believe that the Judge saw that the
work of the lawyer had not been satisfactory, and that the defendant did not
receive the attention that he deserves, that the defense was not well prepared,
there were no witnesses, and there was no investigation", said Shaddock.
The philanthropic Truth in Justice Foundation has taken on the Martinez case by
its account, and has initiated the search for a private attorney who can
satisfactorily defend the defendant.
"It is necessary to allow at least a month for the new lawyer, so that he/she
studies the case, because what we needed is time to provide to William with a
better defense", said Shaddock, adding that although it is not easy, the
presentation of new evidence could cause Judge Mihm to reinitiate the case.
"The Judge is the one that can determine if he consents to a new trial, and that
depends on the the presentation of new information", concluded Shaddock. The
foundation is dedicated to supporting innocent people who have been declared
guilty, and has created a page in the web dedicated to the defense of Martinez
in which they expose the reasons for which they believe in his innocence and
they demand, among other things, the opportunity him to present/display new
"The judge is the one that can determine if he is able to get a new trial, and
that depends on new information that may be presented." - Rick Shaddock
He (lawyer of Martinez) had the case from the beginning, but the truth is that
it has not worked, has not done anything, absolutely nothing." - Naomi Gonzalez,
sister of William Martinez
Ena Sobero and Noemí González, next to their spouses, were present at from the
public the requests of Martinez, who reiterated their necessity of medical
treatment and she complained the impossibility to communicate suitably due to
the restriction of telephone calls
Both sisters assured that Eliú is innocent and has been victim of a plot on the
part of its political adversaries in El Salvador.
"My brother is an excellent, humanitarian man, who has always excelled by his
good heart", assured Ena Sobero to the GRAPHICAL PRESS.